Friday, February 18, 2011

How do I love them?

As a teacher, I find myself having a hard time loving every student....

It's hard to love Mickey when he throws his test on the floor after you give it him.
It's hard to love Jessica when she slaps another girl in the face because that girl rolled her eyes at her.
It's hard to love Trayvante when he comes in the classroom and sits with his back to you and will not listen.
It's hard to love Lacy when as soon as you turn your back, she mocks you.
It's hard to love Justin when he says words that a child should not even know. 

So, it is hard to love them.  Then how do you?  Well, you don't.  We instead remember that they are God's children and He loves them.  Then we ask God to give us His love for them.  Only then, using His love, are we able to love them. 

As a Christian, we must always seek to love others with a Godly love.  No matter how difficult the other person may be to us, or how unlovable they come off to us, we must remember that no one is unlovable to our God.  No person can do anything that makes God not love them.  He may be grieved, but only because He loves us and is saddened when we sin, but not hateful.  With this mindset, we, with Him, can love all.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Welcome Me!!!!

New to the blog scene but ready to get with the program. 

2 kids: boy- Clarke 5 yrs
           girl-   Kate  2 1/2 yrs
Husband- Richard of almost 7 years 

My name is Marilee.  I am an elementary teacher.  I also serve in my church through 7th and 8th grade girls sunday school teacher, Choir member, Praise Team member, and Women's Ministry member. 

I love my crazy life!  I am usually on the go but I feel like I am busy in a good way. 

On a personal note, we just put our house on the market and have had only one looker in the 4 weeks it has been up.  We are also contemplating having another child.  We just haven't decided if we should wait until after the house sell is over or if we should just go for it....  I guess we will talk out the pros and cons tonight and see what happens.

Well, I'll update later! 
Welcome Me!!!!!