Friday, October 18, 2013

Where did the time go?

October 18, 2013

So I obviously have not been a committed blogger.  Maybe that will change? Maybe. That's all I can offer right now...maybe.  Since my last post, I have switched schools to a new assignment (and school district), had another child, moved to a new city, and bought a new home. I teach 6th grade English and our little family now consists of:

  • Clarke age 7 (8 tomorrow!)
  • Kate age 5
  • Collin age 1 (2 in Nov.)
  • My husband Richard
  • ME! Marilee

Time has definitely flown like no other.  I remember how my "elders" warned me that time flies.  I heard mothers say with a shake of their head and a bit of sadness in their eyes that it seemed like yesterday their 30 year old children were just babies in the crib.  I would always nod with my best look of understanding and say, "Oh I bet." 
Nothing prepared me.  I cannot believe how fast time has literally flown by.  Wasn't it just yesterday that I was pregnant for the first time, living in a little rent house, excited about the future??? It was only 8 years ago, but it feels like these eight years were on fast forward, and each year since gets a little faster and faster.  

So now what???

Here are 5 things I plan to do to help prepare myself and hopefully, slow the time more:

1. Don't over-plan the weekend
 Yeah, my husband will be the first to tell you that I definitely over-plan and over-commit to things. Our weekends are filled up to the fullest.  I know many people's mottoes are living life to the fullest, but that doesn't necessarily mean to fill up your schedules to the fullest.  I will start to make sure that we have more time in our schedules to just be a family together instead of a family with a schedule.

2. Quit wishing for the weekend
 Being a full time worker, I tend to start my Mondays off with, "Is it Friday yet?" We joke in the lounge and hallways with eye rolls and groans about it not being Friday.  I need to stop intentionally speeding up the days. Yes weekends are much better than work days, but I need to focus on using the time I have right then to make good memories. 

3. Make family time count
My kids are growing and starting to have their own individual schedules that do not include the other family members.  True family time is not only scarce but also not always spent best.  I can't even count how often we might all be home together, but plugged into separate things, ie... Clarke on the IPad, Kate watching TV, Collin playing with toys, me cleaning, Richard working in the yard... Things like that. I need to once again be more intentional to bringing us all together on a project or game.  Even sitting down together as a family to watch a movie is still better than nothing.  

4. Husband time
My husband and I love to seize any opportunity we can for a date night.  With three little kids, its not always a possibility.  We are good to get a once-in-a-month date in.  Though we may not always go out, we do spend time together once the children are in their beds (hopefully falling asleep). We know how important it is to not let our busy schedules get in the way of "Our Time." Your relationship with your spouse should be the most important relationship you have (outside of the one with God).  If we haven't spent time together in a while, we do start to argue more and not see eye to eye.  Spending time together not only helps us communicate better about our needs, but we also are able to grow our relationship more.  My husband is my best friend, and time spent with him is very precious to me. 

5. Girlfriend time
There's nothing wrong with having some girl time.  Adults need adult time.  I love my job teaching 6th graders, playing with my little ones at home, and working with my church youth group on Wednesdays and Sundays.  With that said, I also need my adult friends.  Especially if you surround yourself with encouraging women who are "in the same boat" with you.  We don't use the time we have to bash our husbands, one-up each others stories, or gossip about an old school mate.  Instead, we share problems we may be having in any areas of our life that we can get advice on, share funny stories about our kids or work, and just enjoy our time together. This is a time I look forward to, though in our busy schedules, we usually meet once every six weeks.  Plan a night with your girls for once a month. This will help you with that commonly used phrase, "I can't believe how long its been since I've seen you!" 

Maybe I can actually keep these tips when looking at my ever-filling calendar.  

Hopefully it won't be two years before my next post. :)